As part of the celebrations of Irbid as the capital of Arab culture for 2022, Yarmouk University has awarded the head of the Jordanian Arabic Language Academy, the writer Dr. Khaled Al-Karaki, the Arar Prize for Literary Creativity for the year 2022, the “Literary Article Field”, which is granted by the Arar Chair for Cultural and Literary Studies at the university, in cooperation with the Emaar Irbid Foundation.


The Arar Chair is a program for cultural and literary events within the agreement of understanding signed between Yarmouk University and the Executive Office of the Irbid Declaration as the Capital of Arab Culture 2022

Yarmouk University awards the poet Haider Mahmoud the Arar Prize for Literary Creativity for the year 2021

ALECSO adopts "Arar" as an Arab symbol for culture 2022

The Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO) adopted the Jordanian poet Mustafa Wahbi al-Tal "Arar" as an Arab symbol for culture for the year 2022, pursuant to the decision of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Cultural Affairs in the Arab World at its twenty-second session, according to which the recommendation of the Permanent Committee for Arab Culture was adopted regarding the selection of Symbols of Arab culture, based on the regulations agreed upon by their Excellencies members of the committee. And the representatives of the Arab countries in the committee supported the candidate of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to be (an Arab symbol of culture 2022), which bears this approval of the importance of the poet in the conscience of Jordanians and Arabs, and what constitutes the presence of the Jordanian intellectual in the Arab cultural movement.